Leiden University Student Repository

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(21 - 40 of 55)


Publieke vrouwen in Leiden en de regulering van prostitutie
De veranderlijke migrant, hoe gastarbeiders Moslims werden
Exploring feelings of home and belonging among Syrian refugees in the Netherlands
The Sweet Breakfast
Vrouwenwerk: De invloed van de Vereniging Vluchtelingenwerk Nederland op de (rechts)positie van vluchtelingenvrouwen in de jaren tachtig
Constructing a Huguenot Identity in Late Nineteenth-Century America: An Invention of Tradition
Wat moet men weten over de Gouden Eeuw?
There and back again: Understanding the return migration of Dutch Somalis from the UK to the Netherlands
Persistence and Change in Class Behaviour During the Labour Migration Boom: Analysing the Case of Turkish Labour Migrants through the Lens of the Nationalist Action Party (1961-1980)
Vietnamese refugees from Czechoslovakia in the Netherlands in the 1990s
Careful consumption, Consumption in Dutch women’s magazines from 1946 and 1956.
The cat's cradle of felines and society: Cats and American domesticity (1870-1920)
Resisting Female Resistance: an exploration into the female foreign fighter both past and present
A Mayor's Letter
