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  • (-) = Colonial and Global History
  • (-) ≠ Brocades Zaalberg, T.W.
  • (-) ≠ 2015
  • (-) ≠ Gommans, J.J.L.

Search results

(1 - 20 of 137)


Wisseling van de wacht: Engelse invloeden op de ondergang van de VOC in Malabar
The Ripple Effect of the UN Decade for Women
Was Sumba a Subject of Bima?
Examining Colonial Photographic Archives
“Clear as the Spotless Sun”: Honour, Reputation, and Self-Fashioning in the Career and Memoirs of Amir Khan of Tonk
The Empire's Most Humble Servants
Lumumba's Ghost
Freedom, Independence, and Belonging:
On Bombas: West African Slave Overseers in the Era of the  Dutch Transatlantic Slave Trade
Hippie Trail Collectors and Shifting Imaginations
In de marge van vijandschap
Greater India- A Nationalistic Narrative
Inheemse hulp: De verschillende mensen die Nederlandse wetenschappelijke expedities naar Nederlands-Indië begeleidden
Guns for the King
Love and Science: An Anthropological Couple on the Frontiers of Imperial Japan
A Social history of the Philippines  Martial Law Years  1981-1987
