Leiden University Student Repository

Search results

(1 - 20 of 32)


Beyond Bodies: Reconceptualising the Sentience of Plants in Multi-Species Anthropology
“Iedereen is welkom!”: Etnografisch onderzoek naar migrantengroepen in de Slaaghwijk, hun relatie onderling en hun relatie met de gemeente Leiden
Identity formation and sense of belonging among Chinese students in Leiden University
We belong! Sexuality, gender, race and vulnerability at The Hangout-070
The heavenly brides: A study on the Circassian community in Turkey
Pan-Africanism and educational institutions in Ghana: Coloniality/decolonization and identity politics in secondary high schools
Skilled hearing: Embodied skill among sound engineering students
'Don Quichot op de Katwijkse boulevard': Kwalitatief onderzoek naar lokaal verzet tegen nationaal offshore windmolenbeleid in Nederland
Moved by the spirit: Sensing the divine in a Dutch Pentecostal church
Family, politics and remittances: The roles of social relations in Central Javanese labour migration
Place-making and belonging: First and second generation Turkish diaspora in Rotterdam
The construction of a development framework for the riverbanks of Kali Code
Van uitnodigen aan tafel tot aan taalles geven: Vrijwilligerswerk met vluchtelingen uit een noodopvanglocatie in Leiderdorp
Thuis in het 'buitenland'? Een studie naar het handelen en de percepties van 'belonging' onder Libanezen in Ghana
SoundCloud community: The imaginary heaven of independence
Chasing the light: Imagining and representing social mobility in pre-wedding and wedding photography via Instagram
Bricks and water: Tensions and conflict in Costa Rica: An analysis of water management through the study of an environmental conflict
Getting dressed: Religie en kleding van vrouwen in Tamale, Noord-Ghana
