Leiden University Student Repository

Search results

(1 - 20 of 62)


Retelling the Story of Decipherment
The M-Prefix in Ancient Egyptian
The Girl and the Ghost
Hidden Treasures
Determinatieven en classificatie in hiërogliefen en hiëratisch
Een fantasiewezen?
Border Defence in New Kingdom Egypt
What Was Left Behind
A Garden for the Dead
Establishment of the Western Frontier: A Study of the Enactment Practices in the Middle Kingdom Dakhla Oasis
De shabtis van Achnaton
The Judgement Scene on Yellow Coffins
Manipulating the Deceased in Egypt and Mesopotamia
From Provincial Ruler to Town Mayor
Altered States of Consciousness in relation to Hathor
An unguent container as an Egyptian royal gift: The function and value of calcite-alabaster drop jar during the Late Bronze Age in Egypt, the Levant, and Cyprus.
“The mighty bull”: An Analysis on The Relationship Between the Apis Bull and the Ptolemaic Dynasty.
Weaving the World: The Role of Landscape in Egyptian Religion
