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  • (-) = Global Conflict in the Modern Era
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(321 - 334 of 334)


Is strategic stability a viable solution for the current situation between Israel, Iran and Saudi Arabia?
Civilian Participation in Genocide and Politicide in the 20th Century
Ripples From the South Atlantic: Examining the Wider Significance of the Falklands War for the British Overseas Territories
The Role of Regime Type and Durability in the Rise of Urban Child Witchcraft Accusations in Africa
Investigating Cohesion in Insurgent Groups: The case of the Kosovo Liberation Army
Securitizing the Rise of China under the Obama Administration
Big Business and Foreign Policy: the Case of Oligarchs in Ukraine
German Political and Military Policy in times of change
#One big lie
Great Power Intervention in Peace Processes: American Involvement in Northern Ireland and Cyprus
The role of alliances and domestic support: U.S. foreign policy towards
The Pacific President
How has the U.S. Rebalance affected U.S.-Sino Relations in the South China Sea Region?
