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(1 - 20 of 263)


On the Grand Strategies of Middle Powers during Great Power Competition in a Multiplex World
Does Local Politics Matter?
The Age of Bureaucratic Overhaul
Lessons from the Common Agricultural Policy’s Implementation in Central and Eastern Europe
Revisiting security: a Hobbesian critique of Liberal Interventionism
Analyzing the Effects of International Monetary Fund Conditionality on Gender Inequality in Ecuador and Pakistan
Greed, Grievances, and Governance: The influence of natural resources on the Sierra Leone civil war
Under what conditions does women’s participation in armed movements lead to a lasting transformation of gender roles?
How good life should be? Wellbeing in degrowth movement
The resilience of neoliberalism in post-crisis policy-making: An investigation of the US, UK, and EU financial systems
Inclusiveness, State-building and Peacebuilding
The Disaster of Unequal Aid Distribution:  How The Unequal Consequences of Natural Disasters Affect Conflict
Populist framing during the COVID-19 pandemic - an analysis of Italy and Spain
Small state size and its production of Regime Stability in small Autocratic Monarchies
Accommodation of Basque Secessionism:  “Caught Between Two Impulses”
The Resource Curse and the Developmental  State: At the Intersection of Inequality in  Botswana
