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  • (-) ≠ Ameka, Felix K.

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(1 - 20 of 135)


A Crisis of Gender: Investigating the Gender Assignment of English Nouns in  Urdu Code-Switching
Person reference terms in the Southern Thai dialect: the Baba Yaya of Phuket Town (Thailand)
The Realization of /tj/
An Account of Polarity Emphasis in Catalan
“Oh thanksss my loveee”: A Qualitative Analysis of Verbal Responses to Compliments in Text Messaging
How to Refer to Him, Them, Her, You…?
Cross-Linguistic Authorship Attribution in L2 English Writing by L1 Japanese Users
The Big Bang Theory: A Case Study of Omission in Interlingual Subtitles
Attrition in Conscious and Subconscious Language Knowledge: a Literature Review
Generative theories and usage-based approaches to first language acquisition and speech segmentation
On the Basis of Stress
Tone and Morphology in Aetso
Jati Diri daripada Ureuëng Aceh
Blending in with Covid-19: Blends of the Coronaverse
Allophonic Variation of /tr/ in Semi-Formal Chilean Spanish
Bilingual Compound Verbs
Human Associations of Gender in Job Vacancies Compared to Gender Bias Reflected in AI
