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America's Partisan Polarization: How the Abortion Debate is Impacting American Foreign Policy and How China is Trying to Benefit from this
Indigenous Voices Behind Bars
Laughing Matters: Unpacking Gendered Meme Narratives of Hillary Clinton's Presidential Campaign
Operation Hollywood: Argo, the CIA-Hollywood Partnership, and the Image of the US Abroad
Dismantling Colonialism in the Museum
Memories of Empire: Local Perspectives on US Military Presence in Guam, Puerto Rico, and the Philippines
Manipulating the Masses: A Historical Account of the CIA's Use of Propaganda During the 1954 Guatemalan Coup D'État
Subversive Voices in Historical Context: Irony, Signifying, and Discursive Communities in Frederick Douglass' Rhetoric
An Understanding of American MNCs' Contribution to U.S. Soft Power
The Imperial Presidency in the post-9/11 era
Women’s Rights and the Other’s Wrongs
Breaking Silence: The Portrayal of Sexual Harassment in Daytime Television Talk Shows Then and Now
Tradwives and Postfeminism: Exploring Continuity and Divergence in Modern Gender Ideologies
Ruining Men’s Lives: White Male Victimhood in the 2006 Duke Lacrosse and 2014 UVA Rolling Stone Rape Scandals
