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(1 - 20 of 29)


Art: A Strange Political Tool
Demoratizing the "European migrants crisis"
The Pocket Politician: A Constructivist Perspective on Gijs van Oenen's Concept of Algorithmic Representation
An integrated system of CO2 reduction policies for Environmental Liberals
The right to development and states’ moral duty of international solidarity
Against Epistocracy: A Defense of the Moral and Epistemic Value of Democracy
Considering Rawls's Political Move: A Critical Analysis of Political Liberalism and Its Critics
A History of Patriarchy?
Practical Utilitarianism and the separateness of persons objection
Identity and Political Obligation
Face, Vocalisation and Violence in an Ethics of Relating
Habermas, legitimacy and deliberation. Let us bargain!
Is Post-Truth Politics Really Post-Truth?
Morality and War: Is Western Military Intervention Against ISIS Morally Just?
Liberty in Property-Owning Democracy: A Critical Engagement with Alan Thomas’ Proposal for Alternative Economic Institutions
How do the Internet and Social Media Affect Political Agency?
The Limits of Political Contestation and Plurality. The Role of the State in Agonistic Theories of Democracy
The Pluralism of Agonistic Pluralism: Mouffe in Discussion with Erman, Dryzek and Knops
