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(1 - 19 of 19)
Defining and Defying Judicial Activism
Legal Alienation and Literature
Why legal ethicists should become legal positivists: Darwin and the normativityy of law
Identity & Law
Moral Rights for Ecosystems
Lost in Translation? Habermas on religion in the public sphere
Against forfeiture-based retributivism
Criminal law without punishment? Towards a different response to wrongdoing
The Authority of International Law - A study in international legal positivism
De politieke beslissing in het recht. Een rechtsfilosofische verkenning van de verhouding tussen soevereiniteit en recht
Silencing the Silencing? On Illocution, Conversational Exclusion, and the Free Speech Argument for Censorship
A critical investigation of Corey Brettschneider's value theory of democracy. Or, how democratic are illiberal democracies?
Revenge pornography: a conceptual analysis. Undressing a crime of disclosure
Dignity and Free Speech
Preventing tyranny
Big Data en Privacy
Het gedachte-experiment van Rousseau
Contrastive Causation in the Law, on the conditions for cause in fact and adequate cause