Leiden University Student Repository

Search results

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Social justice theories as the basis for public policy on psychopharmacological cognitive enhancement.
Friend or foe?: The immigration challenge to regionalist party competition in Western Europe.
Copy paste or tailor-made?: The customization of EU directive across Dutch policy sectors
Social justice theories as the basis for public policy on psychopharmacological cognitive enhancement.
Explaining modes of executive-legislative relations: Empirical evidence from Dutch local councils
Exploring Bobbio's idea of an egalitarian left-right dimension: Distinguishing between a holistic and a situation-specific approach
Triumph in twinning?: The role of EU experts in the realization of externally supported public sector reform
Explaining evaluation use: A qualitative comparative analysis of factors influencing instrumental use of evaluations
Social investment in European welfare states: Towards more jobs and higher labour market participation?
Capturing the courts: Partizipation of the judiciary across European Democracies
The impact of political parties on anti-corruption reform in Ukraine: The case of public procurement
Determinants of treaty adoption: The case of the arms trade treaty
From structured to everyday deliberation: Education and the prospects for deliberative democracy
Policy frame competition on twitter: A study of the Dutch policy debate about mortgage interest deductions
Policy, office, and votes – How party goals relate to party platform change
A resource-based approach to clientelism
The politics of subsidiarity. National parliamentary behavior in the Early Warning System for the principle of subsidiarity
Policy punctuations in the Netherlands: The cases of alcohol and gambling policy
Hail to the chief or down with the king : The differing political survival of traditional elites in Nigerian politics
The Feedback of Inequality: Policy Patterns, Power Resources and Institutional  Redesign in the United States
