Leiden University Student Repository

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  • (-) = Politics, Culture and National Identities, 1789 to the Present

Search results

(1 - 20 of 55)


A people's Europe?
The Birth of Belgium: A Compromise between the Nation and Europe (1830-1831)
Mass Produced Politics: How the Press Helped Shape Great Britain's 1911 National Insurance Act
Colonialism in Context: The Thought of Johannes van Den Bosch
Een luisterrijk en nederig ‘Feest’?
“Wie het kleine niet eert…”
‘De partij is geen debatteerclub. Wij streven naar macht’
De 'godsvrede'
The Many Faces of Hendrik Antoon Lorentz
Commemoration through Glorification?
De Volksche Gedachte
'Wij grabbelen mee'
Ogen en Oren van de Regering
Film Art as a Weapon: Communist Party Debates and Ideology in American Films, 1930-1955
To Learn Three Centuries in Two Years: The Pioneering Japanese Students at Leiden University in the 1860s
Tussen gevoel en fatsoen. Sterven, begraven en rouwen onder Nederlandse elites, 1789-1914
‘Welsprekendheid van het hart’
