Leiden University Student Repository

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Socio-politically active elite women
Out of This World
From Swamp to Sugar
Proeve der Drukkeryen. Type assortment in fourteen Leiden printing offices in the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries
The Conflagrations of Ottoman Istanbul in the Late 18th and Early 19th Centuries According to Ottoman and European Sources
Verstoten door de Hemel: case studies naar de verhouding tussen heerser en heir apparent in achttiende eeuws Korea en China
"Men beloofde en volbracht niet". De negotiaiefondsen van Ferrand Whaley Hudig 1759-1797.
Italiaanse Muurschilderkunst in 18e-eeuws Parijs: van theatrale enscenering naar tentoonstellen.
Recollections of A Few Days Spent in Holland in August 1826