Leiden University Student Repository

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(1 - 15 of 15)
Cultural Heritage, Activism, and NFTs
A Political Force to Be Reckoned With: K-pop Fans
A "Japanese Stonewall": The Role of Drag Queens and Female Impersonators in LGBTQ+ Activism in Japan
Atwood's Activism
Moroccan Feminists: Agents of Change?
Krzysztof Wodiczko: A Therapy Session with Democracy
The Great Dance of Return
Violence and local manifestations of global contention.
Undocumented People in Austin, Texas: The Impact of Social Movement Organizations on the Rights of Undocumented People
Tackling the Toxic Legacy of Uranium Mining; a Tale of Navajo Activism
Domestic and transnational advocacy networks in the Western Sahara pursuit of self-determination: the activism of Polisario Komitee and EUCOCO
Political Activists and Accidental Martyrs: Politicization between Students and Workers within the South Korean Minjung Movement in the 1980's
Re-imagining the North-American Native: Thomas King’s Green Grass, Running Water and the novel as activism
Claiming Cape Town. Ethnographic interpretations of Khoisan activism and land claims
Evolution of Strategies for an Evolution of Indigenous Rights: Shifting Mapuche Activism onto International Platforms