Luck egalitarianism is a theory that follows from Dworkin. It is an interesting theory of distributive justice which states that differences in wealth are allowed when based on differences in...Show moreLuck egalitarianism is a theory that follows from Dworkin. It is an interesting theory of distributive justice which states that differences in wealth are allowed when based on differences in ambition. Differences based on endowments are not allowed. The original formulation of luck egalitarianism by Dworkin has three problems: the harsh treatment problem, a distributive paradigm and the background inequalities problem. This dissertation tries to reformulate luck egalitarianism in a responsibility sensitive way in order to overcome the three problems. The conclusion of this dissertation is that the responsibility sensitive interpretation of luck egalitarianism comes closer to solving the problems than Dworkin's original formulation, however the responsibility sensitive interpretation does not solve all of the problems.Show less