Leiden University Student Repository

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The Tug-of-War of Balkan Identity: The Rejection and Perpetuation of Ethnonationalism Online
Migration and Dietary Patterns in the Gomolava Site, Serbia: Insights from Stable Isotope Analysis during the Late Bronze Age and Early Iron Age (1300-1100 BC).
Mapping Ottoman Pottery in the Balkans: A case study from Belgrade, Sofia and Varna (15th-19th century)
Turkey’s Foreign Policy in the Balkans: Promoting neo-Ottomanism in Bulgaria?
The Relationship Between Western Europe and the Balkans: Past, Present and Future.
The Ambiguous Position of the Balkans within Europe: A Close-Reading of Dubioza Kolektiv Lyrics
Investigating Cohesion in Insurgent Groups: The case of the Kosovo Liberation Army
Changing representations of national and proto-national identities: A case study of the Bulgarian nationalist discourse
De Grote Oosterse Crisis
EU policy in Bosnia: Impact and effectiveness