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The Iraq War: America’s Biggest Purpose or America’s Heaviest Burden?
Foreign affairs in the post–9/11 era: A comparative analysis of the George W. Bush and Barack Obama administration's’ foreign policy toward Iran.
United States’ foreign policy on the war on terrorism and the fluctuation of soft power: A comparison between George W. Bush and Barack Obama
The Arctic Policy of the United States 2001-2017: Old Wine in New Bottles?
U.S. COUNTERTERRORISM IN A COLLAPSING STATE On Yemen, one of the battlefields in the war on terror during the G. W. Bush and Obama administrations
Changing the Hegemonic Discourse: the War on Terror from Bush to Obama
U.S. Iraq Policy: Competing Grand Strategies?
The CIA under George W. Bush: reassessing counterterrorism after 9/11.
The National Security Doctrine of the United States: A Comparison of the Truman and George W. Bush Foreign Policy Doctrines