Leiden University Student Repository

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How green can money be; climate change responsibilities of the private sector in a capitalist system
Gef ûs dago gehuuilikes râd, drohtin the gôdo. An enquiry into the role of the Heliand in the conversion process of the Saxons.
Mastering the cyberworld
The New CSR: (Corporate) Sociomuseological Responsibility in Dutch Museums
Corporate Social Responsibility in Private Maritime Security Companies: Dutch Anti-Piracy Action in Somalia
Corporate Soical Responsibility and the Institutional Void in India: Theory and Corporate Practice
Corporate Social Responsibility and Sustainable Development in Latin America
The French Due Diligence Law: A New Regulatory Framework
Between Universal Standards and Local Contexts. A Study of the United Nations Global Compact’s Ten Universal Principles in South Africa.
China Its Instrumental Use of Corporate Social Responsibility: The Domestic and International Pursuit of Positive Image Building
De Kunst van Collectiebeleid.ABN Amro,ING en Rabobank: Toen,vandaag en morgen
Global Actors, Local Governance: Corporate Social Responsibility in the Indian Garment Industry
Strategieën van INGO’s t.a.v. staten en multinationals m.b.t. het voorkomen van mensenrechtenschendingen door multinationals