This thesis seeks to give an answer to which changes in both Cuba and the United States have resulted in the reopening of the bilateral relation between the two countries after Raúl Castro took...Show moreThis thesis seeks to give an answer to which changes in both Cuba and the United States have resulted in the reopening of the bilateral relation between the two countries after Raúl Castro took power in the island state in 2008. This is a highly relevant issue, as the reopening of the relation between these two nations took place very recently. The relation between Cuba and the United States is one of the most studied themes modern Latin American history. The student has used relevant academic sources and other complementary information in order to investigate the topic. The definition of the problem investigated has been defined in a clear manner. There is continuance throughout the entire work which means that the student keeps to the most relevant historical, political and current news issues in his assessment of the problematique. The theoretical chapter discusses both ideological and pragmatic behaviour in bilateral relations, which the student manages to link to both the contextual chapter and in the case study. This is a less innovative approach though, as similar approaches in the academic debates about bilateral relations have analysed pragmatic and ideological behaviour on numerous occasion in the past. A limited number of authors have been used quite frequently. A more diverse and less pronounced usage of these would have been preferable. This has also been mentioned on several occasions during the thesis writing process by the supervisor. All in all, the thesis has a logical structure, where the most central historical and political issues in order to analyse the bilateral relation between Cuba and the United States have been addresses. External as well as internal factors are also taken into account during the analysis of the topicShow less
Een onderzoek naar de Nederlands-Cubaanse betrekkingen en de veranderende Nederlandse houding in de aanloop naar en de beginjaren van het Catro-regime (1956-1961).