Nowadays, European countries are facing the most severe refugee issue since World War II. After the break out of the Syrian civil war, a large number of refugees fled to Europe, seeking protection...Show moreNowadays, European countries are facing the most severe refugee issue since World War II. After the break out of the Syrian civil war, a large number of refugees fled to Europe, seeking protection and stability. As an ongoing international phenomenon, the issue of Syrian refugees has become an urgent problem in need of solving. The European Union has a responsibility to take action and deal with the issue, and one way is through helping newly arrived asylum seekers to settle down. Although the European Parliament and European Commission started in 2015 to launch the resettlement plan (along with various other initiatives to deal with the issue of refugees,) it seems to be difficult for Member States to implement a standard procedure, and no effective unitary measures have been taken so far. Ever since 1997 when the Dublin Regulation came into force, the European Union has been aiming to develop a set of common policies for asylum seekers, and to harmonize the process and procedures. However, previous studies and real situation revealed that neither the Dublin Regulation nor CEAS (Common European Asylum System) could be properly implemented by Member States as planned. In spite of the fact that the European Union has proposed several revisions and amendments since 1997, the main problems remain unsolved, and Member States still struggle to reach an agreement on fair and equal common asylum procedures. This thesis will discuss the topic through a comparison of Germany and Hungary from different aspects on the national level. I hope to identify and explain the reasons why Member States responded differently to the issue of Syrian refugees under the same asylum system and common EU law.Show less
In deze scriptie wordt geanalyseerd welke factoren ervoor zorgen dat traditionele partijen met nieuw-rechtse partijen samenwerken. Hierbij wordt enerzijds naar coalitiefactoren, anderzijds naar...Show moreIn deze scriptie wordt geanalyseerd welke factoren ervoor zorgen dat traditionele partijen met nieuw-rechtse partijen samenwerken. Hierbij wordt enerzijds naar coalitiefactoren, anderzijds naar politiek-historische factoren gekeken. Is het aangaan van samenwerking met partijen als de PVV en de Deense Volkspartij het gevolg van een rationele rekenkundige afweging, of is dergelijk gedrag geworteld in bijvoorbeeld een reeds langer bestaande "openheid" van het parlementaire systeem in een bepaalde staat? Uit de scriptie blijkt dat de verklarende waarde van coalitietheorie inderdaad vrij hoog is, maar dat niet alle casussen door deze factor kunnen worden verklaard. De in het onderzoek opgenomen politiek-historische factoren bleken niet relevant te zijn. Voor nader onderzoek is het relevant om de ideologische afstanden tussen enerzijds nieuw-rechtse partijen en anderzijds traditionele partijen in ogenschouw te nemen.Show less