Leiden University Student Repository

Search results

(1 - 20 of 24)


Harmony, Justice & Virtue
The Women Behind the ‘Leftover Women’ in China
Unmasking Identities: The Role of Visuality of the Hahoe Mask Dance Festival in Andong, South Korea
An Experiment of Non-Gendered Confucian Care Ethics in the Global Village
Comparing and Contrasting the Concept of Justice in Xunzi and Rawls
The #MeToo Movement in China
The Local Credit System
Confucianism in Contemporary China
Demystifying Chinese Foreign Policy: A Confucian Approach to International Relations
the autonomous individual vs. the relational self: A reconceptualization of the Kantian rational person through a Confucian lens
A Dispositive Analysis of the China Social Credit System: Traditional Chinese Morals & Ethics Shaping Big-Data Governance
Restoring the CCP’s moral legitimacy:  An internal perspective on China’s Social Credit System
The Influence of Confucian Family System over LGBT Rights in Japan
Negotiating Women's Independence
The Choice Faced By Korean Women: Cultural and Structural Influences on the Status of Women at Work in South Korea
The Manifesto of 1958: A Statement to the World on Behalf of Confucianism
Verstoten door de Hemel: case studies naar de verhouding tussen heerser en heir apparent in achttiende eeuws Korea en China
Law, Health and Autonomy: Confucian Democracy and Chinese Healthcare Reforms
