Leiden University Student Repository

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What’s in a mandate? Mandate phrasing and the protection of civilians in peacekeeping missions
Decolonisation and the United Nations: A Study of Shifting Intervention in the Congo and Southern Rhodesia
Where international politics fail, can visual art help? A case study based on the Congo Tribunal Documentary, demonstrating how visual tools are essential in raising awareness on global issues for the global citizen of the 21st century
Tegenstrijdige belangen? Nederland, de NAHV en de Koloniale Conferentie van Berlijn
The use of rape as a weapon of war: the role of the United Nations in the Democratic Republic of Congo
Verzet Dankzij Vacuüm. Een casestudy naar infrapolitics onder de Compagnie Commerciale de Colonisation du Congo Français in Frans-Congo in het begin van de 20e eeuw
Conflict Minerals in the Global Capitalist World: Chances for Challenging Initiatives
The Blood Stained Canopy of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization
Sino-African and Sino-Congolese Economic Relations in the 21st Century: Beyond Dependency?
A Violent Playground.