This thesis examines the functionality of early modern Amsterdam as a diplomatic city. (Entities in) The Hague nominally held the political and geographical prerogative to diplomatic relations in...Show moreThis thesis examines the functionality of early modern Amsterdam as a diplomatic city. (Entities in) The Hague nominally held the political and geographical prerogative to diplomatic relations in the Dutch Republic, but Amsterdam was a significant challenger to this position due to its economic and financial agency. Various aspects, such as Amsterdam's interfence with diplomatic policy, its contacts with Dutch envoys abroad and the diplomatic community within Amsterdam itself, are elucidated. In particular, it explores the functionality of lesser envoys, such as consuls and agents, and the way they integrated themselves into urban society.Show less
This thesis analyses the appointments, activities, and loyalties of three Dutch consuls in the Spanish port city of Cádiz during the first half of the eighteenth century. It reveals that merchants...Show moreThis thesis analyses the appointments, activities, and loyalties of three Dutch consuls in the Spanish port city of Cádiz during the first half of the eighteenth century. It reveals that merchants played an influential role in the appointment of consuls, how consuls participated in commerce, and subsequently explains how this affected their loyalties as part of the Dutch merchant community of Cádiz. This research adds to the increasing body of historiography on new diplomatic history and consular history in particular, which proposes a new manner of researching diplomatic history and therein attributes significant importance to consuls.Show less
In dit onderzoek staan de consulaten van de Republiek, die tussen 1612 en 1672 in verschillende Italiaanse steden gesticht werden, centraal. In het bijzonder is aandacht geschonken aan de...Show moreIn dit onderzoek staan de consulaten van de Republiek, die tussen 1612 en 1672 in verschillende Italiaanse steden gesticht werden, centraal. In het bijzonder is aandacht geschonken aan de verwachtingen die de Staten-Generaal enerzijds en de Nederlandse handelsgemeenschap in Italië anderzijds van dit nieuwe systeem, en de invloed die de consuls zelf uitoefenden op het functioneren ervan.Show less