Leiden University Student Repository

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Verantwoord ondernemen en de instituties
Made in Indonesia: A case study on how Protestant values shape the exercise of corporate social responsibility
Corporate Soical Responsibility and the Institutional Void in India: Theory and Corporate Practice
Towards a Corporate Social Responsibility Culture in Iran Drawing a basis to establishing the concept of CSR culture from the stakeholder theory and Business case for CSR
The Weaving of Corporate Discourse
Brazilian Biofuels
The French Due Diligence Law: A New Regulatory Framework
"Millennials in the United States and their relation towards Corporate Social Responsibility."
The Role of Businesses in Enforcing Human Rights in the United States
From Intentions to Actions: The Role of the Business Sector in Sustainable Development
Development Through Trade: A Win-Win Situation?
The Influence of Chinese Cultural Tradition on the Mechanisms and Implementation of Corporate Social Responsibility in Local Chinese Communities
China Its Instrumental Use of Corporate Social Responsibility: The Domestic and International Pursuit of Positive Image Building
"Corporate Social Responsibility and Moral Responsibility in relation to Sweatshop conditions”
The motives for Shell to invest in Corporate Social Responsibility. A case study.
Regulate Without Regulation