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Sanctions as a Weapon in a Prolonged Conflict Between The United States and Cuba
De Invloed van Syncretisme als Antropologisch Concept op Nationale en Raciale Identiteiten in Santería en door Santería Beïnvloedde Religies
Cuba and the United States: Bilateral relations after the Castro dynasty
Cuba's Position in its Alliance with the Soviet Union, 1959-1968
South-South Development Cooperation: A Remedy for the Health(-Care) Crisis in Sub-Saharan Africa? An Insight into China's and Cuba's Interventions in the 2014-2016 West-African Ebola Epidemic.
Cuba: Rise, Fall, or Return of the Special Period?
The Cuban Liberalization Project
Cuban migration. The case of Cuban men that migrate through marriage
How US Foreign Policy Helped to Form Cuban State Legitimacy
From Ideology to Realpolitik in Cuba’s foreign policy towards the United States, 1959 - 2016
How can the Mortuary Practices from two Colonial-Era Cemeteries be Compared? Using the 16th-Century Spanish Colonial Sites of El Chorro de Maita in Cuba and Magdalena de Cao Viejo in Peru as Examples
Visueel syncretisme op Cuba. Een sociologische bestudering van de beeldcultuur van Santeria
WOESTIJN DER ZINNEN - allegorische suggesties in J.M. Coetzee’s De kinderjaren van Jezus
ARtivismo en Cuba y el Arte Relacional
Smelten op de oceaan. De opkomst en ondergang van de firma Fredrik Smelt & Zonen (1839-1891)
Foreign Policy Making in Cuba: The Efficiency of Raúl Castro's Reforms
Developing Cuba into a liberal market economy. A discourse analysis of European Union liberal economic policy towards Cuba
De Sociale Positie van Vrouwen in Cubaanse Third Cinema
Revoluties in de achtertuin. Amerikaans beleid ten aanzien van marxistische regimes in het Caraïbisch gebied, 1959-1990.
