Despite the growing popularity, no clear general definition of data science and artificial intelligence has been established. People are often left into the unknown when it comes to the specific...Show moreDespite the growing popularity, no clear general definition of data science and artificial intelligence has been established. People are often left into the unknown when it comes to the specific definition of these fields. In this study, the first step towards defining these fields is made. Three text analyses models were used to extract the general topics from various data science or artificial intelligence related program or course descriptions. These topics were used to be able to get a grasp on what skill sets are taught to data science and artificial intelligence students. Afterwards, an analysis of posterior classification of the topics per university was performed to explore the differences and similarities between the universities on their orientation of data science and artificial intelligence programs. General and specific skill sets are uncovered and differences between the universities are described in this paper. The results of this paper might be insightful for institutes that have no clear view whether their vacancies might be fit for data science or artificial intelligence graduates.Show less