Leiden University Student Repository

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(1 - 15 of 15)
Understanding the Intentions of Members of British Government for the Independence of Ghana
Chests Full of Trading Objects
The Philosophical Status of Native African Systems of Thought: A Case for a Balanced Approach
A Quite Revolutionary Independence
From the White House to the White City: The Internationalisation of the Black Panther Party in Algeria (1969 - 1972)
Decolonisation and the United Nations: A Study of Shifting Intervention in the Congo and Southern Rhodesia
The Spirit of Change: Defining The Agency Of Missionaries In The Decolonisation Of Rhodesia
A "Third World" in a Cold War
Illustrated Life Rhodesia; Investigating the Construction of National Identity in UDI Period Rhodesian Advertising and Print Journalism.
Fusing Knowledge Systems in Higher Education. An exploratory study based on a Dutch/South African collaboration project in the agriculture sector
The Forgotten General: The role of Wybrandus Schilling in the development of Dutch policy for Indonesia after the capitulation of Japan in 1945
Decolonising Britain. To what extent did the activities of right-wing groups between 1960-1973 indicate a wider British inability to come to terms with the new post-colonial order?
The Relationship between Human Rights and British Decolonisation of the Gold Coast and Kenya