Leiden University Student Repository

Search results

(1 - 15 of 15)
The Revelation of Death
Title: Help me, but do not kill me!
Encountering Absence
Derrida at the Limit
Becoming One with the Way: A Search for a Solution to the Problem of Duality
Hauntings of the Past: Spectres as Traumatic Conceptual Metaphors in Netflix’s The Haunting of Hill House
“At This Very Moment in This Work Here I Am:”  A text written by Jacques Derrida for Emmanuel Levinas?
Verlies en vergeten. Het denken over de dood van Kierkegaard en Heidegger in een vergelijking
Encompass Everything: The Photographic Encyclopedia as Anti-Database
Heidegger, Derrida en het Dier
The Sovereign, The Revolutionary and Deconstruction: Derrida on Law and Reality
Acting Seriously: over Speech Act Theory en Parasitisme
Awaiting Geodesics to come; the Freudian and Derridean Perspectives on the Jewish rite of Circumcision.
Jacques Derrida en de problematiek van een vooronderstelde eenduidige betekenis
Différance: vóór-waarheid