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  • (-) ≠ Hoftijzer, P.G.
  • (-) ≠ Boogaart, Ronny

Search results

(1 - 20 of 107)


Dutch gender neutral language, and the lack thereof
Speaker Discriminatory Power of Discourse Markers in Dutch
Harmony or Discord? The Influence of Rights of Nature Activism on the Dutch-North Sea Food Relationship
De mysterieuze herkomst van portolaankaarten: Een middeleeuws maritiem mirakel
Pit or phit? The production of English aspirated stops by speakers of Dutch
The gender congruency effect in Dutch noun phrase and bare noun production: evidence from behavioral and electrophysiological data
An Analysis of Offensive Language, Taboo Language and Characterisation in the First Season of Netflix’s Sex Education
The Domestication and Foreignization of Neologisms in Three Dutch Translations of Philip K. Dick's Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep?
How Chinese are Chinese-style topics?
The Movement-Delete Approach for Gapping in Dutch
Dutch loanwords in American English: An increase in frequency or a decrease?
Lex semper dabit remedium:
European Momentum: Analysing Representations of European Strategic Autonomy in Dutch Politics
New Netherland Stories
Sex estimation using patellar measurements on a 19th century Dutch population
Does prosody constrain code-switching?
Perception of the English word-final obstruent voicing contrast by native speakers of Dutch and Farsi
Twee lekker water
The Dutch Copy CAT
