Leiden University Student Repository

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Insights from comparative judgments of adjective-noun order in Papiamento-Dutch code-switching
Effect of language context in non-native perception of intonation: Insights from Dutch listeners' perception of Mandarin
'I don't want to sound racist, but...' Examining the Effects of Accent and Speech Rate on Judgments of Speaker Credibility
Textsetting tendencies in Dutch rap – Comparing Nederhop and Maroc-hop
In how many ways can you say the name Anne? Two pragmatic dimensions in the meaning of Dutch intonation patterns
De ongezouten waarheid: An empirical investigation of white lies in Dutch
Judging the Dutch by Their <cover>s: Dutch Speakers’ Pronunciation of English Loanwords
Pamfletverfransing: Een onderzoek naar verfransing van het Nederlands  in een pamflettencorpus uit de periode 1525-1875
De Tweede Boerenoorlog en de onverzoenlijken van Ceylon in het licht van Nederlands-Indië
In Search for their Right: Cross-cultural relations through VOC legal sources in fort Cochin, 1750-1760