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(61 - 80 of 109)


Textsetting tendencies in Dutch rap – Comparing Nederhop and Maroc-hop
In how many ways can you say the name Anne? Two pragmatic dimensions in the meaning of Dutch intonation patterns
De ongezouten waarheid: An empirical investigation of white lies in Dutch
Judging the Dutch by Their <cover>s: Dutch Speakers’ Pronunciation of English Loanwords
Pamfletverfransing: Een onderzoek naar verfransing van het Nederlands  in een pamflettencorpus uit de periode 1525-1875
De Tweede Boerenoorlog en de onverzoenlijken van Ceylon in het licht van Nederlands-Indië
In Search for their Right: Cross-cultural relations through VOC legal sources in fort Cochin, 1750-1760
Discourse on the Use of English in Dutch Pop Music
Ordinal numerals in dialects of Dutch
Kings, Envoys & Monks
The Digital and Analogue Identity of De Correspondent
Children: Burden or Gift? Dutch perspective on post-war child migration towards Australia and New Zealand, 1945-1960.
Time is of the Essence: Futurity and Modality in a Corpus of Dutch and English Contracts
Negers naar school, Alabama haalt bakzeil: An analysis of four Dutch newspapers’ coverage of the Civil Rights Movement, 1957-1968
Een vergelijking van progressief en lexicaal aspect in het Mandarijn en het Nederlands
The language of technology: A comparative analysis of the translation processes and word formation patterns in the semantic field of computer terminology in the Dutch, Russian and Turkish language
Coordination, conditionals and questions: a cross-linguistic investigation
Do longer lines take longer? Reconsidering the cognitive reflections of spatial duration metaphors: Evidence from Dutch
Target language phonology and vowel acquisition
