Leiden University Student Repository

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The gender congruency effect in Dutch noun phrase and bare noun production: evidence from behavioral and electrophysiological data
The effect of novelty on memory and the brain:  An EEG study
'A hideously complex and awkward issue'
The Influence of Mindfulness on Brain Activity and Exploratory Behaviour
Social learning about the self depends on environmental cues and top-down expectations
The Effect of Transcutaneous Vagus Nerve Stimulation on The Locus Coreulus – Noradrenaline System
'A Harmless Thing That Causes Harm'
This is odd: Investigating event related potentials using the oddball paradigm
Stimulus-Preceding Negativity and Nocebo Effects in Pain: An EEG Study
What if they don’t like me? How Rejection  Sensitivity affects Frontal Midline-Theta  power levels during unexpected rejection in  socially anxious individuals.
Midfrontal theta power as response to social-evaluative  feedback from predominantly positive or negative peers  in individuals with fear of negative evaluation.
Investigating the N400-Component as an Implicit Measure of Supernatural Belief
Cognitive load in a naturalistic setting:  A cross-modal visual load and auditory  evoked potential study
Electrocortical and behavioral responses during probabilistic learning through social feedback in relation to depression and social anxiety in young adults
Machine Learning Analysis of EEG Signals
Britin - De opinies van Nederlandse kranten over de toetreding van het Verenigd Koninkrijk tot de Europese Gemeenschappen, 1969-1973
The nature of delta-beta cross-frequency correlation in relation to social anxiety
Influences of normal wakefulness on EEG resting state in the healthy human brain
Electrophysiological biomarkers reveal neural correlates of the discontinuity of mind
