Leiden University Student Repository

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The Under-explored Complexities of Smell
The Challenged Authenticity of a seemingly Idyllic Island
"Underlying Sense of Fear" - Ethnographic Research on the Everyday Effects of Terrorism on London’s Citizens
Adding the Bubble Narrative to Underwater Cultural Heritage
Nature as Kin: Reconsidering evidence of ‘incipient agriculture’ in  southwest Amazonia in the early and mid-Holocene
Chests Full of Trading Objects
Framing the "New": Classical Reception in Amerigo Vespucci's Mundus Novus
AFRICAN AGAIN. Morocco’s newfound Africanness: discourse and recourse to the African Union.
Artisans of the Arauquinoid A study into craftsmanship in the skeletal population of the 9th to 12th century site of Tingi Holo in Suriname
The Qing and their tributaries
Conceptualizing the Caribbean Archaeological Record. Interpreting features from an ethnographic perspective at the Late Ceramic Age site of El Flaco in the northwestern Dominican Republic
Comparing the archaeological data of Neumark-Nord 2/2 with ethnographic data from North America
Far from the shrines: Iraqi Shiite men in The Hague
Claiming Cape Town. Ethnographic interpretations of Khoisan activism and land claims
The Imagery of Yaxchilan: Comparisons with the Contemporary Maya and the Archaeological Value of Ethnographic Sources
Calendars, Rituals, and the Ethnographer
Burying Beliefs