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(1 - 20 of 32)


Walking on Eggshells: What is the effect of Euroscepticism on the enforcement of European Law
United in democracy
Delors’ heritage: a tough act to follow?
Changing world order: The influence of Donald Trump’s presidency on the EU’s foreign policy towards China
The European Commissions changing role in budgetary policy
Expert Knowledge Utilisation in the EU: Instrumental, Symbolic or Strategic?
Waiting at the grave
Enter Geopolitics
The process of infringement procedures: purposeful delay or temporary hiccup?
The EU’s Efforts to Influence the Absorption of Cohesion Policy Funds
Opening up the Black Box: The role of the European Commission in the trilogue negotiations of the European Climate Law
The European Union’s Varied Approach to the Non-compliance of Poland with the Rule of Law
European Institutions migration policy impacted by the Arab Spring
Tel je wel mee?
The political College of Commissioners: increased friction or open to change?
“The role of the European Commission in the economic transition of Cyprus during the economic crisis. A Single - Case Study”
The European Commission: a Champion in Gender Mainstreaming?
