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(41 - 60 of 60)


The Female Hero: Finding Her Place in the Male Dominated World of Film
Nederlandse Communisten tegen de Fascistische Film
Securing national identity in China - "The Flowers of War" as a strategy to deal with external identity threats
The rise of China and its impact on the cinematic industry: How does Hollywood cater towards Chinese censorship laws?
Art and Politics: Film as a Tool for Political Protest in Communist Poland
Racial Color-Blindness in Disney Films: Impact on the Public Debate
Lost of Love in Beijing? De weergave van de Chinese vrouw in de films van Li Yu en Ning Ying
Mogelijkheid tot representatie van depressie in het postmodernisme
Zainichi Koreanen in Films
Noriko: Het vrouwelijke personage in de films van Ozu Yasujirō vanaf 1949 door de lens van de Amerikaanse bezetting van Japan, 1945-1952
"Whistle While You Work": Transformations in the Role of Women in 'Snow White'
Russian National Identity Construction: A Case Study Of Four Films
Paratendenzen in Romanen und Filmen der Weimarer Republik
Cultural Gain and Loss in Translation
Ozu Yasujirō’s gangsterfilms. Een stilistische en thematische verkenning.
Two Media, One Production of Volpone, Two Interpretations?
Consuming the Bright Life in Cinema: Portrayals of 1950s Japan in the films Ohayō (1959) and Always: Sanchōme no yūhi (2005)
Homosexuality in Chinese Cinemas: how is homosexuality portrayed in the Chinese-language films Lan Yu and Ci Qing?
Op zoek naar nieuw evenwicht - Transformatie van de vrouw onder invloed van de sociale en economische ontwikkelingen in het hedendaagse China, zoals in beeld gebracht in drie recente speelfilms
No Place Like Home: Domestic Architecture and Symbolism in the Films of Alfred Hitchcock
