Leiden University Student Repository

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(1 - 14 of 14)
The Birth of Sanctions: A Pursuit for Lasting Peace
Der Furchtbarste Krieg
Remembering the First World War
A Mayor's Letter
Blood and Ink: A New Interpretation of German and British First World War Poetry
Emancipation, Regulation, Collaboration; how the First World War changed the Dutch book trade
Collective memory and First World War art movements: Futurism, Vorticism and Dadaism
GS.IV En De Zand- En Grindkwestie
White Opposition to the Great Migration from 1914 to 1920: A Comparison between Southern and Northern White Resistance towards the Great Migration of African  Americans from the Rural South tot the Urban North
‘Throat cutters, fanatics and lap dogs’. Images of the Ottomans in the Dutch leftist press during the First World War
From Technician to Ideologist: How Von Mises’ Libertarianism Arose from the Trenches, 1907-1919
‘Our first business is to hate the British capitalist system.’ Three socialists and their attitudes to the British political structures, 1910-1923.
De Somme, de populaire beeldvorming en de pers
Remembering the Great War in the Dominions of the British Empire