Leiden University Student Repository

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Duiken in de duisternis: Traumatische  (on)definieerbaarheid in Silent Hill 2
'Come, we will go forth together': Adolescence Symbolized by Children's Journeys to Exotic Fairylands in E.Nesbit, J.M.Barrie and Hope Mirrlees
Wilson and Freud: Sigmund Freud’s psychological analysis of president Woodrow Wilson
Beyond the Unspeakable: Embodied Approaches to Female Trauma in Margaret Atwood's "Alias Grace"
Mapping Happiness in Serotonin by Michel Houellebecq
Simple Men, Twisted Women: the Gendered Struggle for Power in Rebecca and My Cousin Rachel
Attacking the Ego: Discovering the Uncanny in Frankenstein, The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde, and Dracula
A bigger Escape
Private Traps and Never Budging an Inch: Freudian Influences on Psycho's Psychological Horror and Refusal to End
Freud and the Emergence of the Unconscious in English Literature During the Nineteenth Century
Audre Lorde’s The Cancer Journals and the Psychosocial Rebuilding of the Traumatized Self: An Eriksonian-Inflected Approach to Autopathography
The 'Coincidentia Oppositorium' in douglas Gordon's art installation 'Between Darkness and Light (after William Blake)'
Awaiting Geodesics to come; the Freudian and Derridean Perspectives on the Jewish rite of Circumcision.
Immaculate Immunity: The Gothic and Religious Fanaticism in Wieland and Confessions of a Justified Sinner
A Body Caught in Crossfire: A Freudian Analysis of The Handmaid's Tale