This thesis will be discussing the energy sector reform that has been announced by the Mexican president Enrique Peña Nieto on 12 December 2013. After a period of 77 years, the monopoly of the...Show moreThis thesis will be discussing the energy sector reform that has been announced by the Mexican president Enrique Peña Nieto on 12 December 2013. After a period of 77 years, the monopoly of the state owned Petroleum Company Pemex will end and (foreign) private investment in the energy sector will finally be allowed. The reform has been announced in response to the declining production rates and is expected to reverse this declining trend. I will analyse what has caused the Mexican government to make this decision, how they are planning to reform the sector and most importantly, what impact the reform is expected to have on the national economy of Mexico.Show less
Advanced master thesis | Political Science (Advanced Master)
open access
It is argued that host country factors have predictive value for the completion of Chinese investment in overseas oil and gas assets, as well as for the value of such deals. Using this thesis’...Show moreIt is argued that host country factors have predictive value for the completion of Chinese investment in overseas oil and gas assets, as well as for the value of such deals. Using this thesis’ unique dataset, which accounts for 198 states worldwide and the time period 1999-2012, four hypotheses are tested by performing ordered logit regression and Tobit regression analyses. Anticipating the results, the five main findings are presented here. For unambiguous interpretation, note that ‘Chinese investment’ refers to investment in overseas oil and gas assets. First, contrary to the impression obtained from media reports quoted above, Chinese investment is more likely to be accepted in states with institutional designs ranking higher in terms of institutional quality. Second, rentier states, whose leaders politically depend on the control over natural resources, do not take the expected defensive stance towards Chinese investments. Instead, a host country’s oil dependence is positively related to not only deal completion per se, but also to the amount of money invested. Gas dependence, on the other hand, is not significant in any of the models presented here. Third, Chinese investment is not only more likely, but also granted in higher volumes, in states that rank higher in terms of creditworthiness. Fourth, the financial crisis has provided all three Chinese investors - the NOCs, CDB, and CIC - with an opportunity to increase chances of deal completion as well as the amount invested. Fifth, separate analyses for Asia indicate that Chinese investment follows different patterns in its regional neighborhood, highlighting the need for further research to build on this thesis.Show less
In deze thesis wordt het Nederlandse energiebeleid ten aanzien van Rusland onderzocht. Nederland zal in de toekomst steeds afhankelijker worden van andere landen in de energievoorziening. Rusland...Show moreIn deze thesis wordt het Nederlandse energiebeleid ten aanzien van Rusland onderzocht. Nederland zal in de toekomst steeds afhankelijker worden van andere landen in de energievoorziening. Rusland speelt hierin een belangrijke rol. Dit onderzoekt benadert het Nederlandse energiebeleid ten aanzien van Rusland sinds de val van de Sovjet-Unie, omdat voornamelijk de afgelopen twee decennia de energierelatie tussen beiden is geintensiveerd. Het onderzoek richt zich op het bilaterale en multilaterale kader, het belang van energievoorzieningszekerheid en de rol die Rusland hierin voor Nederland speelt en natuurlijk de belangrijkste overeenkomst tussen Nederland en Rusland: gas.Show less