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  • (-) = Germania Inferior

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(1 - 6 of 6)
Merchant mothers and romanized religion: A study on the Matronae and Nehalennia altars at the Roman frontier of Germania Inferior
Beyond Rome: Reconstruing diets on the North-Western Roman Frontier (Germania Inferior) at Xanten (DE) and Tongeren (BE) and Valkenburg (NL) through Stable Isotope Analysis.
Ditching Masks in Ditches: The Roman Face Masks and Helmets Found in Wet Depositions in Germania Inferior and its Surroundings
The Roman Limes in the Rhine Delta
Roman Religion in Germania Inferior: A case study of the temple of Empel
Golden messages: exploring the Roman monetary policy and gold supply of Germania Inferior from 49 BC - AD 423.