Herakles, a well-known figure from Greek Mythology, is well-beloved by the modern media, in their many recreations of his great tales in the form of movies, comic books, and various other platforms...Show moreHerakles, a well-known figure from Greek Mythology, is well-beloved by the modern media, in their many recreations of his great tales in the form of movies, comic books, and various other platforms of visual media. The legend, a symbol of human behaviour, but also a demi-god hero, boasts various qualities that reflect the human nature quite well, and yet he maintains a pedestal of godliness in his great acts and heroics. The legend of Herakles has been reused and reshaped since the dawn of its conception in the form of the oral traditions of the ancient Greek society. Before the well-known tales were written down or put into picture, or on the ‘big screen’ as we see them today, the legend of Herakles – and the many other Greek heroes of myth – were passed on by word of mouth. Through oral traditions, the ancient Greeks passed on the tales of great heroes, such as Achilles, Perseus, and, of course, Herakles. In this time, and countless time over the years that followed, the many tales – and subsequently, many versions of Herakles – were subject to variation and change. The result of this is evident in the written mythology present in the modern age. There is no singular version of the tale of Herakles, and instead, many different stories which present different views of the myth, and of the character. However, there are certain elements specific to Herakles that are recognisable in all recurring versions of him – be it in the stories or visual representations. These elements are parts of his appearance and are common and well-known elements to his visual depiction. The lion-skin cloak and the olive-wood club – in addition to the tall, muscular stature – are traits that are most often present in the visual depictions of Herakles in different forms of media. The variation in this visual depiction is the primary focus of this thesis. In different regions and different times, the visual depictions of Herakles have been subject to change, however, the set features that allow the viewer to recognise him as Herakles are continuously present in those depictions – from the Greek plates to modern movies. Regardless of the changes the story seems to endure, the visual representation of Herakles appears to hold a level of consistency throughout time.Show less