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Zalige gruwel tentoongesteld. De tijd weerspiegeld in Nederlandse Jheronimus Bosch-tentoonstellingen
Heritage in Peril: A Cross-Cultural Examination of the Negative Impacts of Tourism
The Country of Gold: Arab Observers on the Ghāna Empire Reconsidered
Kamikaze: Were they volunteers or not?
Gouden Kunst in de Gilded Age: Commerciële en Economische Motieven voor het Aankopen en Verzamelen van Kunst in de Gilded Age
The Restoration of a Golden Age
"Men beloofde en volbracht niet". De negotiaiefondsen van Ferrand Whaley Hudig 1759-1797.
From Spaansche Pap to Tipsy Cake: Migrant and other influences on foreign content in Dutch nineteenth-century cookbooks
Discovering Rome through Joan Blaeu’s Admiranda Urbis Romæ:  the creation of the town atlas of Rome (Amsterdam, 1663) in the light of Italian-Dutch relationships in the seventeenth century
"One Night He Saw a Person Clad in Snow-White Garmets" An Exploration of The Visions in Bede's Ecclesiastical History of The English People
The Dawn of Development
Why did Banbury Borough Council decide to expand between 1952 and 1974?
Ghanaian Return Migration: Myth or Reality?
Peacebuilding in the Balkans through History Education Reform
The dynamics of religion and politics in ancient Greece, Perachora: a case study
