Leiden University Student Repository

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Violence, Humanity, and Compassion: Portrayals of Achilles and Patroclus in The Song of Achilles and The Silence of the Girls
The influence of contemporary adaptations on our perception of Homer’s Iliad: New Voices, Old Heroes?
Orfeo Looking Back: Homeric Themes in the Middle English Sir Orfeo
Sing Us, O Muse, A Different Tune: Homer’s Ὀδύσσεια Translated as A Graphic Novel
I will not give up my status. The value of the mare in Iliad 23
ἀθανάτοισι θεοῖς: ‘aan’, ‘bij’ of ‘met de onsterfelijke goden’?
From Pelion to Priam's Palace: Achilles' Divinity and Humanity in Contemporary Texts