Leiden University Student Repository

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(1 - 14 of 14)
To what extent was the Dutch media able to hold the  intelligence agency AIVD to account during the  exploitation of the improved ISS data collection act  in 2018?
Adapting Shadows: The Mexican Intelligence Services from One party system to a Multiparty Democracy
Sharing is Caring
De Relatie tussen Intelligentie en Psychopathie
Intelligentie en Sociaal-cognitieve vaardigheden bij kinderen van 7 tot 12 jaar met gedragsproblemen.
Democratising security in post-authoritarian states: Exploring intelligence reform in Greece
A Transformation in the Shadows
The Wall Surrounding the Towers
Iraq: the father of political failures
The Artificial Subject: Investigating the notion of subjecthood, a narratological and psychoanalytical analysis regarding the subjecthood of Artificial Intelligence
The fen-gen study: A phenotype - genotype analysis of neurofibromatosis type 1
GS.IV En De Zand- En Grindkwestie
Public Private Partnerships. Project Symbolon: Damaged Civil Liberties?
Deciphering the NEFIS Archives: Investigating Dutch Information Gathering in Indonesia, 1945-1949