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(61 - 80 of 111)


Imagining Iran: Representation of the Joint Compressive Plan of Action in Dutch Newspapers
Metalinguistic Awareness and Attitudes of Young Iranians towards Taarof
Organisatievorming en belangenbehartiging van en voor Iraanse vluchtelingen in de jaren tachtig
Legale Prostitutie
The presentation of the Islamic Republic of Iran in Iranian primary schoolbooks - an interplay of religion and nationalism
Images of Modernity: Reforms by Reza Shah and Mustafa Kemal Atatürk
The hijab as a means of resistance: analysing the usage of the hijab in contemporary protests in Iran
Martelaren in Islam: Ali Shari'ati's visie op het martelaarschap
Secularisation and the State: the Intertwining of Islam and Politics in Tajikistan
Beeltenis van Moderniteit
Poëzie en Politiek: Mohammad Taqi Bahar over de inmenging van Groot-Brittannië en Rusland in de Iraanse politiek
The Passing of a Torch; The Fall of the Zoroastrian Empire
Finding Balance in an Imbalanced System: The Case of the Triangular Relation Between China, Saudi Arabia, and Iran
Nucleair Iran: Bedreiging voor de wereld of zelfbeschikkingsrecht?
Iranian Realpolitik: Iran’s Foreign Policy towards Armed Conflicts in Neighbouring Countries
A Disclosure of Obama's Beliefs. Exploring American Ideology in Barack Obama's Foreign Policy Towards Military Israel and Nuclear Iran
Iran versus de PJAK: Counterinsurgency van de Iraanse overheid tegen een Koerdische insurgency beweging van 2004 tot 2017
The Iranian Nuclear Deal: Omni-Balancing and the Foreign
Empowerment and electricity: the role of identity in Iran’s alliance with Armenia after the Nagorno-Karabakh War
