Leiden University Student Repository

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(1 - 14 of 14)
Does Islamophobic rhetoric undermine collective self-esteem among Muslim Arab immigrants?
Self-Defense and European Anti-Immigration
Islamophobia in Dutch P/CVE policies since the War on Terror
Unveiling the Nexus: Exploring the Link between Counterterrorism Concerns, Islamophobia, and Far-Right Expansion in Denmark
The Portrayal of Muslimas: A Comparative Analysis of The Satanic Verses and Maps for Lost Lovers
Concealed Words and Bodies: Subversion for Women in "The Handmaid's Tale"
France’s Islamophobia Unveiled: The Colonial Origin of French Contemporary Anti-Veiling Discourse
Islamophobia: a Genealogy of Dutch discourse on Islam based on Dutch Colonial History in Indonesia
Children of foreign fighters of the Islamic State (ISIS)
Between Community and Society: The Role of Islamic Centers in Mobilizing against Islamophobia
“Lie Lie Land”: Re-examining American Drama in the Era of Post-Truth Politics
Can an Illiberal be Liberal? A Discourse Analysis of Wilders’ Islamophobic Politics
The European Far-Right and the Economy
Islamophobia in Western Europe- Comparison of Perspectives in Western and Arabic Academic Literature and on the Aljazeera website