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(41 - 51 of 51)


Why do the Haredim continue to receive an exemption from national service in Israel?
Hebron's Primacy for Gush Emunim's Messianic Zionism
Suez's Culture of Resistance, its causes and its future.
Israel's Societies & The Societal Security Dilemma
Turkse Israelische verhoudingen. Verslechteringen na een bloeiperiode
A Comparative Reflection on the Jüdisches Aufbauwerk in the Works of Hugo Herrmann and Alfred Wiener
Escalation and De-Escalation in Irregular War: a Clausewitzian Case Study
Resources, Political Efficacy and Political Performance: Political Participation on Facebook
Minority Influence on Foreign Policy-Making: The Kurds in Turkey and the Arabs in Israel
Reaching the tipping point of force in counter proliferation: Exploring conditions leading to the Israeli pre-emptive use of force in Osirak (Iraq) and Al-Kibar (Syria) and its implications for Iran.
The impact of discrete negative emotions and perception of threat on political tolerance, evidence from the Netherlands
