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(41 - 52 of 52)


The Israel Defense Forces as a Social Agent: The Effects of Militarized Socialization on Public Discourse in Israel
The "ethnic-split" in contemporary Israeli Politics and the Israel-Palestinian Conflict
Why do the Haredim continue to receive an exemption from national service in Israel?
Hebron's Primacy for Gush Emunim's Messianic Zionism
Israel's Societies & The Societal Security Dilemma
Turkse Israelische verhoudingen. Verslechteringen na een bloeiperiode
A Comparative Reflection on the Jüdisches Aufbauwerk in the Works of Hugo Herrmann and Alfred Wiener
Escalation and De-Escalation in Irregular War: a Clausewitzian Case Study
Resources, Political Efficacy and Political Performance: Political Participation on Facebook
Minority Influence on Foreign Policy-Making: The Kurds in Turkey and the Arabs in Israel
Reaching the tipping point of force in counter proliferation: Exploring conditions leading to the Israeli pre-emptive use of force in Osirak (Iraq) and Al-Kibar (Syria) and its implications for Iran.
The impact of discrete negative emotions and perception of threat on political tolerance, evidence from the Netherlands
