Leiden University Student Repository

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Reading Jane Austen in the Digital Age
Female Desire Through Looks and Glances
The Retranslation Hypothesis Revisited
Playing the Marriage Card in Jane Austen’s Pride and Prejudice and  Sense and Sensibility: How Women Find Agency in Society
Jane Austen and her Critics: The Interaction of Novel and Paratext
Changing Perceptions in a Changing Society: Jane Austen in Revolution and War
Modal Verb use in the 19th Century Representation of Women
Social Life, Horror and Romance: Parody and Satire in Jane Austen's Northanger Abbey
In Relation to Jane Austen:  Eighteenth Century Conduct Books and the Courtships in Pride and Prejudice
Relationships Reflected in Address: A Linguistic Analysis of Letters in Jane Austen’s Novels
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Austens Weduwen
A Different Kind of Love: an Examination of Familial Relationships in Jane Austen's Sense and Sensibility and Persuasion
Jane Austen's Radical Side: a Feminist Reading of Jane Austen's Novels and Heroines
A Sociolinguistic Analysis of Gender in Jane Austen’s Pride and Prejudice and Emma
The Portrayal of Lydia Bennet in Pride and Prejudice Adaptations
A Structural Analysis of a “Century of Wills” from Jane Austen’s Family
Lost in Adaptation: Sexism and Austen's Voice in The Lizzie Bennet Diaries
Shading Austen: Illuminating the Gothic in Jane Austen's Novels
Oh, well, you know, do not you?: Socio-historical discourse analysis of Jane Austen's fictional works