Leiden University Student Repository

Search results

(1 - 20 of 21)


Law as a Rule or Law as a Tool
From Respect to Imposition – How Relations between Indigenous Peoples and the British in Canada changed between the 18th and 19th Century
Georgian Electoral Reforms
Against the Fullness of Time
Queer Violence and the Post-Colonial State, the Case of Nigeria
The Revolutionary Virginia Manumission Law of 1782
Corporate Social Responsibility in Private Maritime Security Companies: Dutch Anti-Piracy Action in Somalia
China’s Foreign Investment Law: reform to rebrand foreign trade and investment
Unshakeable Inequality? The State, the Media and the Construction of Gender in Japan
Counterhegemonic  Forms of  Justice: The Potential of Permanent Peoples Tribunal in the  Context of  Resource - based  Conflicts and  Human  Rights  Violations in Guatemala
Evaluaties van het Saiban-in systeem
Path dependence in repressive law-formation in Kazakhstan
Defining Slavery in Cochin, Social Backgrounds, Tradition and Law in the Making of Slaafbaarheid in Eighteenth-Century Dutch Cochin
Effectiveness of the Botaiho
De vrijheid van meningsuiting versus de censuurwetten in Japan
From Ignorance to Hope: A Study of the Stigmatisation of Homosexuality in India
The Cover of Cloth: Clothing and the Naked in Old Frisian Law
Law and Order in Ancient Egypt. The Development of Criminal Justice from the Pharaonic New Kingdom until the Roman Dominate
Widows, Wives and Whores, From Æthelbert to Cnut
Social Media, Politicians and Sex Scandals in Indonesia
