Stadia, the currency of major international sporting events, have become emblematic of an escalating arms race that has spiralled out of control over the years. Research—both academic and...Show moreStadia, the currency of major international sporting events, have become emblematic of an escalating arms race that has spiralled out of control over the years. Research—both academic and journalistic—consistently shows that host countries often gain little from these events beyond fleeting memories, white elephant stadia, and squandered millions. Despite numerous cautionary examples, the trend of constructing stadia that remain empty post-event continues unabated and is likely to persist. By comparing the stadium programs of the 2010 FIFA World Cup in South Africa and the 2006 FIFA World Cup in Germany, this dissertation explores the challenges of utilizing these venues once the events conclude, serving as a warning to hopeful future World Cup bidders.Show less
It has often been observed that ancient heroes suffer both acclaim and tragedy. This is true of both Beowulf and Gilgamesh, two heroes who gain much in their journeys, but ultimately lose far more...Show moreIt has often been observed that ancient heroes suffer both acclaim and tragedy. This is true of both Beowulf and Gilgamesh, two heroes who gain much in their journeys, but ultimately lose far more despite their epic feats; in the case of Beowulf, the kingdom he built and in the case Gilgamesh, his greatest friend, Enkidu. These tragedies are seen as inevitabilities and thus put to question the purpose of heroics (see Greenfield 1962 and Wolf 1969). Both have often had their heroism examined individually, but rarely together, especially in light of newer translations and editions (see Stark 1966). In my thesis, I will analyze the relevant themes of both heroic tales. I will compare and contrast the themes of gain and loss and discern the reason each hero is considered heroic within the context of their own tale and where these forms of heroism meet and diverge.Show less
The hypothesis of this thesis posits that the 2020 Tokyo Olympic Games framed the moral idea of reconstruction to downplay the gravity of Japan’s reality under the eyes of an international audience...Show moreThe hypothesis of this thesis posits that the 2020 Tokyo Olympic Games framed the moral idea of reconstruction to downplay the gravity of Japan’s reality under the eyes of an international audience. The legacy that the JOC has composed surrounding the reconstruction and recovery of Fukushima is in conflict with the views of Japanese anti-Olympic organizations. Through Erving Goffman’s 1974’s Framing Theory, “Reconstruction Olympics” seem to fit the concept of fabrication. The observations and experiences regarding the recovery of Fukushima by evacuees do not align with the fabricated framework by the JOC and the Japanese government, resulting in resistance to the Olympic Games by protest groups. The framing of the Games has played a fundamental role in the formation of its official narrative. Three groups Hangorin no Kai, Okotowari Link and Friends of the Earth Japan will be analyzed through their blog posts, which together seem to be in agreement on the topic of Fukushima’s recovery. Their discourse presents a clear counter-narrative to the discourse presented by the 2020 Tokyo Olympic Games. Reconstruction in the narrative of the 2020 Tokyo Olympic Games should show results, however, due to fabrication the state of Fukushima is discredited by the JOC and the Japanese government.Show less
This thesis looks at the Park Chung Hee's legacy in the context of collective memory theory. After 40 years Park's legacy still lives on. This can partially be explained by collective memory theory...Show moreThis thesis looks at the Park Chung Hee's legacy in the context of collective memory theory. After 40 years Park's legacy still lives on. This can partially be explained by collective memory theory. Elements of collective memory theory can help us understand the continuing existence of Park's legacy. Yet the collective memory theory gives no guarantees for the future.Show less
Landscape occupies a prominent place in the history of Chinese painting and lives on in contemporary art, reflecting the changes which China and more generally the world have undergone in the last...Show moreLandscape occupies a prominent place in the history of Chinese painting and lives on in contemporary art, reflecting the changes which China and more generally the world have undergone in the last few decades. On the wake of their ancestors, contemporary artists still turn to the subject of landscape to express themselves, although this style seems now freed from the stricter boundaries of pre-modern landscape painting. The research has the aim to investigate Chinese contemporary artists’ perception of the changing surroundings through the examination of a selection of artworks that will highlight the role of the landscape as an effective means to convey a wide array of feelings.Show less
This thesis explores the high level of persistent inequality that is experienced by the majority of the South African population, by closely examining three socio-historical determinants: land,...Show moreThis thesis explores the high level of persistent inequality that is experienced by the majority of the South African population, by closely examining three socio-historical determinants: land, education and the labour market. By doing so, a critical analysis of the post-apartheid government is carried out, and evidence points to the several legacies of apartheid that are still negatively affecting many people in South Africa, a quarter century after the end of apartheid.Show less
Deze BA-scriptie doet onderzoek naar wat de Olympische Spelen in 2008 voor Beijing hebben betekend. De auteur beantwoordt de vraag in hoeverre de Olympische Spelen hebben geleid tot een...Show moreDeze BA-scriptie doet onderzoek naar wat de Olympische Spelen in 2008 voor Beijing hebben betekend. De auteur beantwoordt de vraag in hoeverre de Olympische Spelen hebben geleid tot een nalatenschap (legacy) op milieukundig, economisch en stedenbouwkundig gebied. Door een raamwerk voor het in kaart te brengen van nalatenschap toe te passen op de literatuur over dit onderwerp, concludeert de auteur dat de Olympische Spelen in Beijing hebben bijgedragen aan een versnelde verbetering van het milieu en van de infrastructuur. Daarnaast hebben de Spelen gezorgd voor de bouw van accommodaties, waarvan een deel nog wordt gebruikt, een deel niet meer wordt gebruikt en een ander deel opnieuw kan worden gebruikt voor de aankomende Olympische Spelen in 2022. Tot slot hebben de Spelen gezorgd voor nieuwe woningen door de bouw van het Olympische Dorp én hebben ze niet geleid tot een schuldenlast, ondanks het feit dat ze niet hebben bijgedragen aan een groei van het toerisme; voor andere steden die de Spelen hebben georganiseerd heeft dat tot problemen geleid.Show less